Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Your Ghillie Suit

What is a Ghillie suit? The original word, Ghillie, comes from a Scottish term describing a special sort of game warden. These game wardens had the task of protecting their Lord's game from poachers. A Ghillie would lie in the grass, holding very still, and wait for deer to amble by unaware of their peril. The Ghillie would leap out of hiding and grab the deer with their bare hands! The prize deer would be taken back to the castle for the Lord to shoot in a pretend hunt. The Ghillie Suit allows a hunter or predator to hide in the terrain and nab their prey unawares by blending the hunter in with the surround

When choosing a Sniper Ghillie Suit, a model that is made by sewing a netting of high quality jute thread to a Military BDU pants and jacket will give the wearer the additional protection and comfort that is needed in field conditions that would make an all netting ghilie suit impractical.

By leaving the front of the suit clean of netting, this style will allow the wearer to move smoothly over terrain that might other wise snag or create noise that could give the user's position away.

Starting with a standard issue BDUs the addition of netting on the back and on top of the arms and legs will give the wearer the opportunity to add the local vegetation to the suit. Reinforcing the chest, forearms and legs of the ghillie suit with additional water repellent material will help the wearer arrive on site with less fatigue caused by exposure to cold wet conditions. The hood of a ghillie suit is best made from netting, this will not only allow the wearer hear better it will also keep the head cooler.

When you a buy ghillie suit, using a BDU as a starting point a do it yourselfer can use readily available materials and make a basic homemade ghillie suit for themselves. A DIY would need to keep in mind the potential fire hazard of their suit and either make it out of fire resistant materials or have it treated with a fire retardant. With patients and practice, a DIY can take a military surplus BDU and turn it into a point of pride.

Thanks for reading.

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